An international partner meeting in Gdansk (Poland) kicked off the Erasmus + Strategic Partnerships Project “HOW TO RAISE AN INVENTOR. TECHNOLOGY AND ENGINEERING LEARNING MATERIAL FOR SCHOOLS” coordinated by the School of Robotics (No. 2017-1-LT01-KA201-035284).
The two-day meeting was attended by representatives of partner organizations from 4 countries: Lithuania, Latvia, Poland and the Netherlands. During the meeting, partners presented their organizations and experiences in STEM, shared examples of teaching materials and experiences in teaching STEM subjects. The most important decisions were made regarding the project execution and coordination, the timetable of activities, the development of the intellectual product and the testing process.
The project will develop 4 training modules covering:
3D design and printing,
Micro:bit programming,
Lego Mindstorms programming and
Creating and implementing ideas.
The organizers of the meeting, Fundacja ECD, not only provided an inspiring meeting space for brainstorming, but also organized a walk around Gdansk’s Old Town.
Below are some fotos from the meeting.