Teacher training in Lithuania

In August – October, Lithuanian educators were invited to an accredited seminar held by partners of the Erasmus+ Project “HOW TO RAISE AN INVENTOR. TECHNOLOGY AND ENGINEERING LEARNING MATERIAL FOR SCHOOLS”, School of Rootics and KTU Engineering Lyceum.

During the workshop, the teachers had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with and practice the modules developed during the project, which are well suited to enriching natural science, IT, programming and other STEAM subject skills, as well as being used in non-formal education activities.

Tutorials are for anyone who wants to design and print 3D models, design and program devices, for those looking for an interesting and engaging way to introduce students to technology, teach students robotics and turn technology solutions into business solutions.

During the seminar, lecturers from the School of Robotics made recommendations on how to start non-formal education activities and how to get the equipment needed. Lecturers of the KTU Engineering Lyceum recommended how to integrate activities into general education programs.

The training consisted of 3 parts:

2 academic hours Introductory Seminar on the Web (available on Youtube);

6 academic hours workshop in Kaunas and Panevezys;

2 academic hours final seminar online.

Participants were issued 10 acad. hours accredited training certificates.

The seminar was followed by 30 teachers online and 18 teachers in Kaunas and Panevezys.

Tools used:

Below are some fotos from the event.